Monday, September 14, 2009

Conclusions of the Mushroom Kingdom

In this life we try so hard.... incredibly hard to quantify and understand it.

We are desperate to find the answer

And already by explaining I've gone too far. Describing it is, in itself, perpetuating the "trap."

Each life goal exists because we describe it and therefore create it.

And by describing that fact, I have created a construct of which to judge good and bad.

For instance, take the concept of the term "Building a family is good."
Why is it good? Disassemble the components of which building a family consists of, and their associated "costs".
Then, find the converse "benefits" and list them. Then, break down why each cost is a cost and why each benefit is actually a benefit.
Let's take, "have a child to be proud of makes me proud". Benefit? That statement can be construed as this one: having a child affirms your worth to others in your societal construct, which is an amalgamation of two distinct factors: The societal pressure which is produced by your immediate environment, and your own personal distinctions derived from what you agree and disagree with from said environment. What is also humorous is how your "personal" distinctions are also derived DIRECTLY from your environment, so in a sense, you are regurgitating what you have been taught directly as if it were your own creation, your immediate YOU, when you are simply a product of feedback loop which occurs. At that point, you can question as to the motivation of affirming your worth in your own manifested life situation, which, in most cases, ties directly to fear of lack of control. Being perceived in your choice of manner is control. Which, in itself, is not necessarily a "bad" thing.
Control extinguishes the fear which ties directly to your basic set of impulses, which are the ONLY constants which we can synthesize our judgement constructs.
An example of a completely fabricated judgement construct is expressed in the concept of "not having a child by a certain age" which, by itself, does not directly tie to any direct impulse. Fear is unique in the sense that it thrives on fabricated judgement constructs; the more that exist, the easier it is to associate a "good and bad" value criterion, which introduces fear. These value constructs also don't actually create happiness; rather, they provide relief when the fabricated fear is eliminated; had it not existed in the first place, there would be no fear to be relieved from. Therefore, it is zero sum. The factors which drive his construct are the biological tendencies involved which are not constructed but rather already exist as a mechanism to perpetuate our species. Overcoming this is only a matter of resisting an impulse, which may or may not benefit your personality construct. The good and bad connotations are meaningless in that regard, since they are only imagined concepts. You can then take the same route and describe the "costs" and "benefits" of denying certain impulses. All paths lead to only the most simple and basic impulses.



Wonderful in its nothingness

it doesn't matter

is where all paths lead

Life is

Why ask the question?

why ask that question?

our entire understanding of our lives is governed by our impulses

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